Open Briefing

OpenBriefing webcasts are served through an Adobe Flash based video player if your browser doesn’t support HTML 5 video.

We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

You can test your browser's HTML5 compatibility by viewing our Test Webcast.

If HTML5 videos do not work in your browser, then the Flash plug-in must be enabled before the video will play.

See step 4 of the Official Adobe Flash installation and browser configuration guide.

Chrome and Firefox
If you cannot update to the latest version of Chrome or Firefox and play HTML5 video please be aware that:
Chrome v63 and prior, requires Flash enabled,
Firefox v57 and prior, requires Flash enabled.

Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer 11 and prior require Flash enabled.

If Flash player is not working on the following browsers, Flash has been blocked by your IT Administrator:
Chrome for Android 34+
Chrome for Desktop 63 and below
Firefox for Android 57 and below
Firefox for Desktop 57 and below
Edge for Windows 10 and below

Streaming from a mobile device
Make sure to enable cookies from your handset. This can usually be found within you preferred mobile browser Privacy & Security settings. Guide to enabling Cookies